The Kindness Rocks Project
The Art of Connecting
Take one when you need one
Share one with a friend who needs some inspiration
Leave one for another
One message at just the right moment can change your whole day, outlook, or life!
Learn more about The Kindness Rocks Project on Facebook.
During the global pandemic of 2020, my family and I had spent many days feeling lost in how we could make others smile, including ourselves. One day, my aunt discovered "The Kindness Rocks Project" which we embraced. Every Friday night we would gather and paint rocks with encouraging sayings and cute faces. During the weekend we would walk around the neighborhood and distribute them. I found this project to be very helpful for SEL in the art classroom, especially with remote learning. This is a great project to get your students active in creating art and building a stronger community. Visit to learn more about how to uplift and strengthen your community with the power of art.