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Donna Kladis

New Lenox, Illinois
1939 - 2014

      Donna Kladis has been an influence on my artwork since I was born, given that she is my grandmother. When growing up, she took care of me, while my mother worked long hours. When I had days off school, she always had an arts and crafts project prepared for me to try. She also took me to a local pottery place where you could paint on bisque fired ceramics called Pots and Paints. This stemmed from her artistic passion of painting ceramics. She often sold her ceramic pieces at art fairs. Although her concentration was ceramics, she always explored various mediums and enjoyed sharing the art making process with others. The image on the right is an etching I created inspired by the memorable hours I spent with her at my kitchen table.

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Above: “3:00p.m.”, 2017, copper etching. 10”h x 8”w.

Beth Cavener

Helena, Montana

      Beth Cavner's work focuses on human psychology stripped of its context and rationalization. She articulates humans through animal forms. This is where domestic individuals are suspended in a moment of tension. Beneath these figures lie the embodiment the impacts of aggression, territorial desires, isolation, and pack mentalities. Her ceramic animal forms depict human portraits where painfully obvious messages appear with optimism that we struggle to see. 

     Her work inspires me because it is often rooted in mental health and confrontation which relates to my own work. Her ability to capture the human mind in an animal form creates a new meaning behind the mental perceptions of the naive and wise. Additionally, the use of ceramics represents the fragile ideas in her work and creates a reality because of the form existing in front of you like an animal truly would. I have attached a Presentation of the research I conducted of her below.

“Gaze is the period at the end of the sentence.”

Above: “Anywhere but here”, 2010, stoneware, paint, antique iron hook, dyed rope, wooden wall pedestal. 41"h x 24"w x 9"d.



Amy Hetherington

Fredericton, New Brunswick
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      Amy Hetherington was an artist I discovered while I was scrolling through my Instagram feed. She is a mother who pursued a life without art for about fifteen years until about two years ago when she sat down and started drawing again. She began her own business called "Headspace Illustrations" where she draws colorful illustrations that depict nature and the environment where she lives. 

       I really enjoy Amy Hetherington's art because it allows me to be intimate with nature and isn't overstimulating to the eye. Her simple compositions encourage me to investigate all of the detail she adds in her work to create realistic textures where the drawing can begin to come to life. This stems from my curiosity to understand my own environment by analyzing the life that composes it. 



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